Co-Ki Mask Elementary School Study:
We are currently planning a study on the effects of the various masks on children after wearing them for hours at a time on:
- CO2 rates
- transcutaneously in the mask
- catecholamine production
- breathing and heart rates
A randomized cross-over study is planned in which half of the children examined wear a mask in class on a Tuesday and the other half of the children examined wear a mask on Thursday. In this way we can also cancel the daily effects and make intra- and inter-individual comparisons.
Your DONATION will help and start as soon as possible! We have already submitted the ethics application.
With thanks and best regards, your Co-Ki team!
(see also www.co-ki.de for our earlier work on corona in children)
You can support us with a donation!
Our research is not funded by public funds. So please help us with a donation! With a donation of 50 euros or more, you will receive a donation receipt from the University of Witten / Herdecke when you provide your address and the keyword: CoKi Masks.
Any amount is very welcome!
Recipient: Universität Witten/Herdecke
IBAN: DE76 4306 0967 0000 3535 00
GLS Gemeinschaftsbank eG Bochum
Keyword: CoKi Masken
Attention: We research the current situation neutrally and will publish the results peer reviewed. We are not anti-mask opponents and do not belong to any political organization or have any political affiliations.